What To Do About Yard Animals . . .

If you are striving for the perfectly manicured lawn, Missouri's climate and wild inhabitants may be driving you

nuts. An alternative way to think about your lawn and garden is practicality. Rather than spending valuable

time and resources constantly mowing and watering, for example, set the mower blade a notch higher and do

not mow as often. This will be better for your grass. It will retain moisture longer and prevent scorching. If you

do water your lawn regularly, this moisture may attract more insects and/ or draw them closer to the surface of

the soil, where they are food for all types of wildlife and their activity.

Likewise, where critters in the yard are concerned, think twice before eradicating everyone you think you have.

All creatures care about food, water, shelter, and sex. The last one they will manage! The rest you can pay

attention to and limit unwanted guests.

(Some of these suggestions do not have proven studies to back them and are not guaranteed.

However, we have used these suggestions and have demonstrated success repelling wildlife.)

Do not leave cat or dog food out or leave food scraps around. (Even empty food or water bowls may

be interesting to wildlife.)

– Tightly close trash cans and barbecue grills. (Bungee cords and latches are useful here.)

Clean the places cans and grills sit with soap and water to prevent creatures from investigating

drips and spills.

Clean up brush piles and firewood. (Brush piles attract all types of wildlife and the food they

eat. Firewood piles should be neatly stacked at least twelve inches from the ground.)

– Limit bird feeders and general feeding of wildlife. If you open a restaurant in your yard, don't be

surprised when creatures of all types come to eat there.

– Review your landscape and identify "trouble areas". Low hanging bushes (trim bushes to at least

twelve inches above the ground to reduce insects and wildlife taking residence here), trees growing to

close to building (trees and shrubs should be cut back at least four- six feet from structures to help

prevent access to the structures), old timbers or logs (attract insects, and wildlife), and regularly rake

leaves to prevent insects and wildlife from gathering.

Compost bins and compost piles – These are beneficial in many ways, but require attention. Turning

and using compost regularly, potentially elevating bins, or using sturdy latch-able bins are a few

examples of good compost bins and maintenance.

(One example of this is: a steel 'trash can' with a sturdy lid secured to the can, with holes drilled into the bottom

and sides large enough for a worm to move in and out freely, then placed and secured in a hole dug into the

ground to fit the bottom of the can, around ten inches to two feet deep. Fill with soil and lightly scatter organic

matter regularly. Adding a compost enhancer or even using about 1/5 previous compost- to- 3/5

(or more) fresh soil- to- 1/5 (or less) compostable matter. This compost bin lets the hungry worms in to make

amazing soil and keeps the curious wildlife out! This is one of MANY good examples!)

Wildlife-proof access points around the house...or, better yet, call us!

As a general rule noises, offensive smells, and predators make for poor living environments and may

cause your visitor to move on.

– Dog and cat hair is a sign a predator is lurking, so brush your pet outside and leave handfuls where the

unwanted animal has been seen. Also, you are a predator! The same can be done when you shave or

cut your hair! (Only use hair without shave cream or shampoo for best result, your oils are best. Some

of the creams and shampoos, smell appealing to wildlife.)

– Castor, peppermint, and spearmint oils are odors that digging and burrowing animals dislike. (This can

include groundhogs, mice, moles, rats, skunks, voles, and others.)

– Add basic ammonia (not lemon scented), or peppermint essential oil, or spearmint essential oil to a

cotton ball (or many cotton balls or torn pieces of tee-shirt) and place the cotton ball(s) in a zip lock

sandwich bag. Poke some holes in the bag, to allow dispersal of the smells. Place these bags in areas

you suspect wildlife may be located. (Closets, cabinets, pantry, RV, boats in storage, basements, crawl

spaces, attics, and more. This can work well to repel rodents (peppermint oils and spearmint oils) and

other wildlife (ammonia).) You may need several-many of these packets to be effective depending on

the square footage of the area and dispersal of the scent.

– Capsaicin oils are the main ingredient in most pepper sprays and are very effective

deterrents. Although, capsaicin should be used as a last resort in most cases. You can purchase this

online and in many stores. If you have cayenne pepper this may work as well. Sprinkle a little of the

pepper around areas you are having issues. You can make your own pepper spray; by adding 1

tablespoon of cayenne pepper, one tablespoon of (cooking) oil and one quart of water to a spray

bottle. Apply this to areas where you are having wildlife issues. (Many people use this treatment

alongside pie plates tied loosely to a post, so the plates move about, to detour squirrels and other

wildlife from gardens with great success.)

Caution! The use of capsaicin oils and products can potentially harm wildlife. It also may stain

whatever it touches and may burn your skin, eyes, nose and more on contact! (Caution also needs to

be applied when using this treatment! It is pepper spray!)

– Put a combination castor oil and pet hair, or castor oil and cayenne red pepper in areas where animal

activity has been noticed. (You can purchase ready-made castor oil and aromatic oil combinations.)

– Used cat litter, without the scat (droppings) sprinkled around outside, in areas impacted can also make

wildlife think a predator is lurking. The main draw back on this is, other cats in your neighborhood may

also come to investigate the litter and leave their smells too.

– Try putting used coffee grounds in the areas, as a deterrent where wildlife frequents. (It is a strange


– Playing a radio in areas experiencing wildlife activity, especially talk radio, has been an

effective remedy to move them on as well. (The wildlife thinks the area is noisy with people, thus a bad

home to live and to raise young.)

Keep in mind these are temporary solutions that need to be reapplied regularly to remain effective.

The best solution is prevention!

The following are a few critters you may find in the yard and how to deal (humanely) with them.

For a comprehensive listing, visit the Wild Neighbors conflict-solving page.

Armadillos: New to our region, these creatures are following the food and opportunity now available to

them. They are insectivores and prefer habitat which does not freeze for long periods of time. Our ecosystem

is beginning to provide great resources for them. These creatures are often lured to our homes and yards by

our behaviors. Often, a well-watered and manicured lawn is not just appealing to us, but also the creatures

that live with us. If you water your lawn- reduce the frequency and amount. If you have landscaping and

mulched areas- consider substituting rock or pebbles instead. Mulch attracts insects and the creatures who

eat them. Using repellants may be effective when used in conjunction with habitat and behavior


Additional ideas and prevention tips  can be provided for 

successful prevention if you Contact or call us at 314 576 2060

Moles: The much-maligned mole is actually a beneficial animal, eating mostly earthworms and aerating the

soil. They almost never do the horrendous damage they are blamed for. Find out more about this complex

creature and what to do to live with it. *This link is currently under construction, sorry for the


Rabbits: Yes, they do eat flowers and vegetables. However, they also eat things like clover, dandelions,

apples, seeds, and nuts. In fact, they prefer these foods. Bribe them with cut up apple or small handfuls of bird

seed. Put it out early in the morning or early in the evening when they are most active. Rabbits love clover and

dandelions, but if you rid your yard of these wild plants - especially with toxic chemicals - they and other

animals will look elsewhere for food. This could very well turn out to be your flower beds, gardens, and the bark

of young trees and bushes. Let clover and dandelions grow as deterrents to your other desired


The above-mentioned solutions may also help detour rabbits, especially predator smells.

Voles: Much like rabbits, these little rodents enjoy alternatives to garden plants. Try cut up apple and seeds to

entice them away from your valued plants. Castor oils and other oils, dog and cat hair, cayenne pepper and

other solutions can also be applied as a deterrent but will need to be applied regularly. When planting bulbs

and plants, add "hardware cloth" ( 1/4"x1/4" or at least 1/2"x1/2" metal mesh, small square "chicken wire") to

the bottom and sides of the hole, then add the plant and soil. The hardware cloth will inhibit the voles (and

others) from devastating the plants in the future.

To repel garden insects, give castor or neem oil a try. Castor oil is available as a liquid or granular treatment at most lawn and garden stores. This oil makes the food taste strange to wildlife and the area smell funny (to wildlife). This can disrupt normal feeding behaviors and discourage wildlife from feeding there. It is safe for most people and pets.

True neem oil can be purchased at many garden shops, "natural" stores selling essential oils, and online. (For more about

repelling indoor bugs, see our Dealing with Bugs on our Animal Resources website page.)

In a spray bottle shake together:

1-quart warm water

1 tsp. neem oil

1/3 tsp. liquid soap or dish detergent

Spray the tops and undersides of leaves once a week if insects are present, every two weeks to prevent re-

infestation. Shake the mixture frequently during use. The only downside to homemade neem spray is its short

shelf life. The mixture should be used within 8 hours of making.

For a stronger concentration (for resistant bugs) combine:

1-quart warm water

2 tsp. neem oil

1 tsp. liquid soap or dish detergent

Yard Animals Management and Tips for St Louis Area Wildlife

Please contact or call us at 314 567 2060 for more suggestions or advice 

in the application of these treatments.

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